Thursday, October 4, 2012

Great PET/CT Scans Reports

"Write it down.  Make it happen!"  Habakkuk  2;2

I learned this verse when I was trying to get a mission trip to South Africa organized for Feb. 2009.  It happened!   PTL

Along came 2010 and I had another PROJECT to work on in my own body.  I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with a life projection of 4 months.  I took the chemotherapy treatments, experienced  plenty of side effects and lived to tell about my experience. I particularly concentrated on other people with pancreatic cancer.  I hadn't known anyone whom I could talk to when I was diagnosed and realized it would be good to have someone to talk with about this devastating disease.  God have sent me 2 people in particular and I have developed a different kind of friendship with them.  Mandy O'Sullivan was the first and Sowatha Kong Chea was the second.  Both of them were Christians and both have died.  I visited Mandy in her home and although she was far along in her disease I was able to share my own experiences with pancreatic cancer with her and her dear family, which included her husband, 5 adult children, and her mother.  We had prayer and shared together telephone conversations later.  Sowatha was introduced to me by her neighbor, who is a mutual friend.  Our first meeting was in my home.  Again I shared my experiences with pancreatic cancer and answered questions which she had.   I visited in her home several times and had telephone conversations as well.  She had a very supportive family also, including her 95 year old Mother who worked circles around us!  She offered food to everyone who came to visit meanwhile keeping the kitchen spotless.  Her husband and 2 college age children were at her beck and call., as well as siblings of Sowatha and her husband.  I mention these because it is unusual in this high-metro area to have extended family living close enough to come often to support you.  Especially when you've migrated 30+ years ago from a foreign country (their's is Cambodia).   Family support has been tremendous for me as well.   My husband, Hampton, has been right with me all the way in this LONG, TOUGH journey of illness.  We have 3 adult children who've been supportive as well.

Tuesday, 10/2/2012, I visited my oncologist.  He gave me the results of my PET/CT scans which were done 9/19/2012.  These tests were to check how well the spheres treatment for the active lesions on my liver had done.  He said that my body is again free from cancer.  This time he didn't state that he couldn't explain it!  When he'd told me that about my pancreatic cancer, he said "I cannot explain this."  I replied that I could that it was a miracle from God.  this is great news.

Wednesday, 10/3/2012,  I visited my radiation oncologist who is the one who did the spheres radiation treatments.  He casually walked into the room and announced my liver is clear and whatever was causing concern near my breast bone was gone.  I said "That's good."  To which he replied "That's great, I will see you in four months."

Once again I'm cancer free.  As the surgeon who removed my gall bladder in May, 2012, explained "No one is totally free from cancer."  Even  people who've not been diagnosed with cancer yet, have SOME cancer cells.

I've lived 29 months since my first diagnosis and God still has work for me to do here on earth.

I appreciate the many prayers that have been offered for me.  May God continue to bless you as you pray!!

Mary Barbara Kirk Hoge

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Orthopedic Report August 21, 2012

Tuesday, 8/21/2012, I had an appointment to have my right knee checked.  This is the knee that has the revised prosthesis.  Last summer I wore a cast allowing the knee to heal from the serious staph infection.  This summer I have been using a walker and wearing a cast to avoid falling.  Yesterday the doctor told me I must continue to use a walker and he issued me an identical brace to wear.  He agreed to 4 weeks of physical therapy which MIGHT strengthen my leg.  It will definitely not eliminate the brace or walker.  I want to try it even though I will not accomplish much.  He plainly explained that I will have to use the brace and walker for the rest of my life.

My sphere radiation treatments are completed.  Now I'm waiting to allow them to do their work.  September 17 I have both a CT and a PET scan.  On October 3, I return to the radiation oncologist to hear the results  of these tests.   I have no idea what will be suggested next.  These treatments were for my liver lesions  which have been present since my first diagnosis in April 2010.  They had become active and were seen by the surgeon who removed my gall bladder.  He took photographs of them and suggested I go to my oncologist. 

Currently I have NO PAIN, which is wonderful.  I am tired but it is explained by the accumulation of chemo therapy, numerous anesthetics, surgeries, etc.  

I truly believe God has allowed me to continue to live to witness that you can live beyond your "predicted prognosis".  I am to explain to others suffering from pancreatic cancer stage IV that God is with them, pray for them, and encourage them.

I appreciate all the prayers which have been prayed for me.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Second Spheres Injection

Tuesday, August 7, 2012, I had my second injection of spheres to my liver lesions.   This went smoothly and they have a wonderful team at Fairfax Hospital for radiation therapy.  The prep and recovery take about 2/3 of the 4.5 to 5 hour period that you are at the hospital.  You're in la la land, not caring what they do to you, being neither fully asleep or fully awake.  I had no pain this time even after I got home.  I had one bout with nausea but it settled quickly, as opposed to 5 times having an upset stomach last time.  This is to be the last radiation injection.  I go for an office visit  in about a month, then schedule a PET scan probably mid October.

August 21 I go to my orthopedist to have my right knee checked.  I'm still wearing a brace and using a walker.  It seems to be better and hopefully I can get a smaller brace.  This brace has kept me from falling but it is heavy and makes me tired. 

All in all I feel OK.  I have an abundance of reasons for feeling tired so I just do whatever I can and don't worry about the rest!   Hampton continues to be a good caregiver.  He, our 2 grandsons, and David are in WV this weekend.  They're attending West Virginia Baptist Men and Boys' Camp at the WV Baptist Camp in Cowen, WV.  Making good Memories!

Mary Barbara Kirk Hoge

Yesterday in Jeremiah 1:5  I read:  "God has a holy purpose designed for you."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Spheres, Beading, Whatever

Wed August 1 I went to Dr Drooz (radiation oncologist) for an office visit.  He looked at me, punched my abdomen, listened to my breathing & heart and said I am doing fine from my earlier radiation spheres treatment.  His nurse had told me that my blood work was good.  He asked if I was tired.  I said yes and for the first 4 days following the procedure I confirmed his meaning of FATIGUE.  I told him now I'm just tired and he confirmed that all cancer treatments generally affect patients that way.   Every doctor tells me that and that I should expect to be tired.  My friends who're mainly older than I tell me that it's AGE.  My youngest child suggested  I develop some younger friends.   I don't think I could possibly keep up with younger people.

God's blessing me and I know friends are praying!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Radiation by Beads

Friday 7/13 I received somewhere between 40 million & 70 million tiny beads of radiation.  The radiologist oncologist said he'd been up all night counting them but he lost his count!  Then, he laughed.  I explained that I'd heard I shouldn't use silverware only plastic ware to eat.  He laughed again and said he'd never heard that one!  Since I'd been given my I V  to la la land, he suggested we travel onward to the operating room.  There was a multitude of folks awaiting my arrival.  Several of them asked me, individually, if I was allergic to anything even tho' I had on a bracelet which stated NO ALLERGIES.  The nurse who wheeled me into the operating room said they're testing you.  Next a male technician stepped up and asked the square route of 144.   I answered I thought it might be 12 and he said well she's not in la la land yet!   Soon in came the dr and the procedure began.  Since they'd made the path a couple weeks ago, the beads flowed in easily.  It took about an hour.  Then I was wheeled to the recovery room.  By now, there'd been a shift change so I had a different care nurse.  Dorrie was just as attentive as Susan had been before surgery.

I'd had Susan for the mapping and had learned she goes on mission trips.  She's an Anglican.  I took her one of my beaded bracelets on Friday and she wanted to know how to make them.  She had me explain how to roll them from bulletins while she accessed my medi port.  It was an effective detraction.  I told her I'd bring some to show her when I go back in 4 weeks.  She says she'll try it before then but to bring the "helps" anyway.  You can imagine trying to explain this procedure while lying on a gurney getting my I V !!!

Now back to Dorrie.  She offered me ginger ale which tasted great after been without liquid since midnight on Thursday.  When I kept that down she asked me if I'd like a turkey club sandwich.  I readily accepted that and ate it without difficulty.  Then, I got to change into my clothes.  I felt fine and left for home about 4:30.  I had no problem riding and continued to feel OK.  My neighbor, Patty, brought us some delicious chicken soup.  After I'd eaten some I didn't feel very well.  I took some anti nausea pills and felt better temporarily then I got sick.  It wasn't the soup which made me ill.  They'd given written instructions that this WOULD happen.  That's why I had 2 different medications to take.  One I had to take 6 by the time I went to bed and the other as needed.  By midnight everything had settled down and I've been fine since then.  Saturday I ate cereal with bananas a couple times then other fruits & veggies later in the day.  Sunday I had bagels, banana bread, soups, and sandwiches with no problem.

I have not had to take any pain medication whatsoever yet.  I've been warned joint pain may come but so far nothing hurts.  I am fatigued as expected and still have the "don't give a hoot" attitude.  Hopefully that'll wear off soon.

I appreciate all the prayers and kindnesses shown to me and my family!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Selective Internal Radiation Therapy

Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) for liver tumors using SIR-Spheres microspheres is also referred to as Radioemobolization.  SIRT is a targeted treatment for liver tumors that delivers millions of tiny radioactive beads directly to the liver tumors.  The SIRT procedure is conducted by a medical team that includes a specialist known as an interventional radiologist.  SIRT has no effect on tumors outside the liver.
the first angiogram or mapping is to prepare your liver for the SIRT treatment.  Thursday 6/27 is when I had this done.  You visit la la land during this procedure, not being fully asleep so that you can communicate with your treating doctor. 

Friday July 13 I am scheduled for SIRT at 1:30 PM in Fairfax Hospital.  It is a 4 - 6 hour procedure.  Following that I can come home.  I have to stay away from crowds, not sleep with anyone, not hold children & not physically touch anyone for 3 or 4 days following this procedure.

This beading is radioactive beads.    My second bead project entails Salvation beads and the making of Salvation Bracelets for our church's evening outreach program for children.  Thursday afternoon, following mapping Hampton & I filled 120 zip loc bags with 6 colored pony beads.  The beads with their colors are BLACK for sin, RED for Christ's shed blood, WHITE for washing away our sin (wash white as snow),
BLUE represents Christ's Resurrection, GREEN represents new life in Christ, YELLOW represents Heaven.

Thirdly I am making rolled paper beads from church bulletins.  With the beads I make necklaces and bracelets.  Sarah's grandmother inlaw who lives with Sarah & Kirk is going to Tennessee next week.  Her niece has been sending me colorful bulletins so I want to have some jewelry to send with Dorothy on her trip.

As you can read, I'm fully immersed in BEADS.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What's up now, doctor?

As I write today is Wednesday, June 27, 2012.  Last Wednesday I had an appointment with a Radiology oncologist (Dr. Drooz).  After reviewing my last 2 PET scans, he agreed with my gall bladder surgeon and oncologist who's been treating me for 26 months that I was a candidate for Radiation by injecting radioactive beads into my liver. The beads attack the lesions on my liver and do not harm the good cells.  He explained that first he would do mapping of my liver/blood vessels.  Then I would have 2 bead treatments 2 - 4 weeks apart, depending on how I fair following the first treatment.  Thursday his assistant phoned that I needed to go to a radiation oncologist and she'd made me an appointment for Monday, 6/25.  Dr. Kanani saw me Monday and again agreed with the beading procedure.  He would personally do the first treatment, following the mapping done by Dr. Drooz.  Tueday 6/26 Dr. Drooz's nurse phoned that there was an opening for me to have my mapping done Thursday 6/28 if I could have a pre-op done TODAY 6/27.  Hampton drove me to the INOVA location near Prosperity Rd in Fairfax at 6:15 AM this morning for blood work & EKG.  We were completely finished by 7:35.  Now we get to travel the same route tomorrow then proceed to Fairfax Hospital, being there by 7:00 AM Thursday.  The mapping is a full day procedure.  I fast from midnight until it is FINISHED.  I will be in la la land, according to the nurse.